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Caped Crusaders Cat Rescue
Our cats need so many things to grow and thrive! Product Donations can be dropped off in person at our Petco Partner, Petco of Dardenne Prairie during open hours. Make sure and write CCCR on the packages so they get to the right rescue. The address is 7907 Highway N, Dardenne Prairie, MO 63368. We need:
Antibacterial Wipes
Paper Towels
Antibacterial Cleaners (that say kill 99.9% of germs, like Fabuloso)
Nitrile Gloves
Contractor Bags
Puppy Pads
Hard Food - Iams preferred or any brands with NO DYES to keep our kitties healthy
Wet food - Any no dye, no grain brand
Cat Litter of any type or brand (including pine or paper litter)
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